1251 E Chocolate Ave Hershey, PA 17033

Emergency Care

Welcome to our emergency veterinary care

emergency care

We prioritize the health and well-being of your beloved pets during critical situations. At Hershey Animal Emergency Center, we understand that emergencies can happen at any time, and your pet's well-being is our top priority. Our experienced team of veterinarians and support staff is dedicated to providing immediate and specialized medical attention when your pet needs it the most. This page aims to guide you through the steps to take during a veterinary emergency, from contacting us to determining the necessary treatment for your furry family member.

Step 1: Call Ahead If You Can

In the event of a pet emergency, we recommend calling our clinic ahead of your arrival, if possible. By contacting us, our knowledgeable staff can provide guidance and assess the urgency of your pet's situation. This allows us to prepare for your arrival, ensuring that we have the necessary equipment and staff ready to provide immediate care. If your pet is experiencing severe distress or life-threatening symptoms, we will advise you to come to our office right away.

Step 2: Get to Our Office Right Away 

When faced with a veterinary emergency, time is of the essence. Our clinic is conveniently located [mention location details] on Chocolate Avenue in Hershey and is equipped with a state-of-the-art facility designed to handle critical cases. Once you have contacted us and received instructions, make every effort to transport your pet safely to our office. If needed, we can provide guidance on how to handle and transport your pet during an emergency situation. Our team will be prepared to provide immediate assessment and stabilization upon your arrival.

Step 3: Determine Treatment 

Upon arrival at our clinic, our skilled veterinarians will conduct a thorough examination of your pet, assessing their condition and identifying the appropriate treatment options. Our diagnostic capabilities include advanced imaging technology, laboratory services, and an on-site pharmacy, enabling us to quickly diagnose and initiate the necessary treatment for your pet's specific needs. We will discuss the treatment plan with you, providing detailed information about the procedures, potential risks, and expected outcomes. We believe in open communication and will address any concerns or questions you may have before proceeding with treatment.

At Hershey Animal Emergency Center, we are committed to providing exceptional emergency veterinary care when your pet needs it most. By following these steps—calling ahead, getting to our office promptly, and allowing our experienced team to determine the most suitable treatment—we can ensure that your beloved pet receives the immediate care they require during an emergency. Rest assured that we are dedicated to saving lives, alleviating pain, and restoring health to your cherished companion. Contact us at (717) 298-7883 for any emergency veterinary care needs or if you require further information.

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